Can someone calculate how to convert the glycan gate that controls opening of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein into a Beta-glycan in order to achieve a glycemic shock that destroys or nullifies this virus?
Skills / interests: Copy-editing and proof-reading, Clinical peer review, PICO annotation, Data extraction, Dissemination / Knowledge Translation, Screening and selecting studies, Methodological peer review, Using GRADE, Summary of Findings tables, Searching for evidence, Prioritisation of review topics, Qualitative analysis, Translation (linguistic), Training or mentoring, Data analysis and organisation
Methodological skills / interests: GRADEing, Prospective meta-analysis, Prognosis reviews, Statistics, Screening and diagnostic test reviews, Qualitative evidence synthesis, Information retrieval, Comparing multiple interventions (network meta-analysis and overviews), Patient reported outcomes, Non-randomised studies of interventions, Rapid reviews, Priority setting main objective of this taks is to calculate how to conver the COVID-19 glycan doors into Beta-gycan ones to achive a septic shock aiming to destry or nullify this virus and possibly other ones. 1