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Opportunities currently available

Pregnancy & Childbirth

Skills / interests: Consumer (public, patient, carer) input

Maternal sepsis is the third leading cause of maternal death globally and a risk factor for infections and death in newborns. It is a life-threatening condition, usually due to a severe bacterial infe

Orthopaedics & Trauma

Skills / interests: Statistical analysis, Methodological peer review

Methodological skills / interests: Prospective meta-analysis

We are a group of researchers currently working on a systematic review and meta-analysis in the field of [orthopedics]. We are seeking the voluntary support of a motivated, experienced Research Analys

Pregnancy & Childbirth

Skills / interests: Consumer (public, patient, carer) input

I am looking for a consumer who would be willing to provide feedback for a Cochrane protocol, "Effect of iron supplementation on brain myelination and other neuro-developmental outcomes in childre

Eyes & Vision

Skills / interests: Consumer (public, patient, carer) input

Would you be interested in helping us with this article focused on medical and surgical interventions for people with neurotrophic keratopathy?

I am looking for a consumer who would be willing to pee

Neonatal Care

Skills / interests: Consumer (public, patient, carer) input

Would you be interested in helping us with this article focused on peritoneal drainage versus laparotomy as initial surgical treatment for perforated necrotising enterocolitis or spontaneous intestina


Skills / interests: Translation (linguistic)

Translation of 2 x articles in Chinese into English.

Required for ketogenic diet for epilepsy Cochrane review update.

1.  Wang Y, Wen G, Wen C, Zhang B, Liu Y, Sun J, Zhang Y. Effect of ketogenic di

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Entry level - good for growing skills