
We are accepting applications to join our LMIC/UMIC Stipend Committee for future Colloquia

Skills / interests: Copy-editing and proof-reading

Would you like to be part of the committee helping LMIC/UMIC residents attend Colloquia?


We are looking for some more members to join our committee to help score applications. You must be from a Developing Country and be willing to forgo applying for stipend yourself for the time that you are a serving committee member.

Stipends help cover travel costs and other expenses associated with attending the Global Evidence Summit and are available for residents of LMIC/UMICs that are actively contributing to Cochrane.

Applicants will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Cochrane involvement
  • contribution to the Global Evidence Summit programme
  • anticipated gains from attending the Global Evidence Summit
  • ability to raise partial funds to support attendance
  • recommendation from a Cochrane Group/individual highly involved with Cochrane

All of which will be clearly presented to committee members in a simple table, with a score sheet to fill in and return.

Key deadlines as below:

  • Call for applications 20 March 2024
  • Application deadline 09 May 2024
    • committee members to review applications shortly after
  • Recipients notified 06 June 2024

Applications will be review initially by Lydia Parsonson and then shared out amongst committee members so that each application is scored by two members.

In return for your help on the committee, you will be honoured membership points to your Cochrane account,

Any questions, please do contact Lydia Parsonson on lmicstipends@cochrane.org

Ideal applicant

This task will need to be completed between 9 May - 6 June and can be done remotely. Guidance will be provided throughout the task, with deadline reminders. It would be very helpful if committee members could serve for future years as well, but one off members also appreciated

This task is no longer open for applications.