Developmental, Psychosocial & Learning Problems

Have you had experience of using MDMA as part of your psychotherapy treatment for Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Skills / interests: Consumer (public, patient, carer) input

Have you had experience of using MDMA as part of your psychotherapy treatment for Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

If so, we'd love to get you involved as a consumer reviewer for the draft Cochrane review we have. You shouldn't need any specific skills to review this for us, just your knowledge and experience. We'd estimate that it would take a couple of hours to take a look at the review, in particular the Plain language summary, and to draw up any comments you'd like to share. The title is ready to share and so we'd be looking at sending it to you as soon as you say yes, and then would hope to get comments back within 14 days if practical.

I look forward to hearing from you, Jessica

Ideal applicant

Someone with experience in seeing a psychotherapist for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and also ideally having experience in using MDMA or related drugs to support the therapy.

This task is no longer open for applications.