Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Help addressing editor comments and re-run the search and incorporate any new studies into the review

Skills / interests: Risk of Bias assessment, Statistical analysis, Data extraction, Review development, Screening and selecting studies, Data analysis and organisation

We had written a Cochrane review on vedolizumab in ulcerative colitis. The editors had extensive questions and concerns that the team could not address due to time constraints. I recently reached out to Cochrane to see if we could still re-submit. They are open to that, provided we address their concerns. 
I went through the long list of concerns, but some are beyond my expertise. Some of the questions require knowledge of biostatistics. I am attaching it here to give you a better idea of the task. I would appreciate your help on this. Since the last search was until 6/20/21, the search also needs to be re-run to incorporate newer studies. I am happy to partner on the project. Depending on the contribution made, we can consider adding you as a co-author, in addition to acknowledgement. 

Ideal applicant

Happy to collaborate remotely if needed.


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