
Are anyone interested in helping me how to recognize and activate human genes that are related to the production of linguistic translation acts from the FOXP2 gene?

Skills / interests: Copy-editing and proof-reading, Risk of Bias assessment, Statistical analysis, PICO annotation, Data extraction, Guideline development, Dissemination / Knowledge Translation, Review development, Screening and selecting studies, Methodological peer review, Using GRADE, Writing (drafting and editing), Summary of Findings tables, Searching for evidence, Prioritisation of review topics, Qualitative analysis, Project management, Translation (linguistic), Training or mentoring

Methodological skills / interests: GRADEing, Prospective meta-analysis, Prognosis reviews, Screening and diagnostic test reviews, Qualitative evidence synthesis, Information retrieval, Comparing multiple interventions (network meta-analysis and overviews), Patient reported outcomes, Non-randomised studies of interventions, Individual participant data meta-analysis, Co-production, Rapid reviews, Priority setting

Ideal applicant

Doctors. Physicians. Professionals specialized in Genetic Sciences. Professionals specialized in Translational Sciences. Linguists. Engineers specialized in Biomedicine. Translators. Interpreters. Doctors and graduates in Pharmacy and Biochemistry. Researchers. Other professionals interested in this topic.

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Questions & comments

Hi Carlos! I am Dr Saman Ijaz , a consultant psychiatrist with experience in child and adolescent mental health. I also have knowledge about Fox P2 gene in dyslexia and reading disorder.I will be happy to help you. My email address is samanzeeshanrana@gmail.com.Best regards

Default profile Saman Ijaz - 1 week ago