

Skills / interests: Clinical peer review, Data extraction, Writing (drafting and editing)

Methodological skills / interests: Individual participant data meta-analysis



We are a group of physicians who are currently performing several meta-analyses. We are looking for individuals willing to contribute by performing data extraction and analysis. We have several projects and we will be happy to include you. If you are interested, please send me a message or email me directly, and discuss it further.


Many thanks



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Questions & comments

Interested! Would like to connect- kindly share your email address. Thanks.

Default profile Poorva Patil - 4 months ago

Hi Poorva, Please email me at drzahid1983@yahoo.com. Thanks

Default profile Zahid Khan (Task Poster) - 4 months ago

Hi Zahid, I would love to work on this project with you. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks!

Default profile Vaibhav Singh - 3 months ago

Hi Zahid, I'm also interested on working on this project with you. Are you still accepting applications? Thanks

Default profile Julia Costa - 3 months ago

Hi Zahid, I am keenly interested in the opportunity presented. Eagerly anticipating your response.

Default profile Sumbul Ansari - 3 months ago

Hi Zahid, I'd be keen. It would be great to have a bit more information about time required and what tasks you would need done.

Default profile Sarah Khan - 3 months ago

I'm really interested in this offer, but I'd like to know what subjects you're working on?

Hi Zahid, I am interested in the opportunity. Would like to know more about the project.Thanks

Hi Dr Zahid, I'm interested in this opportunity. Are you still taking applications?

Hi Zahid. Please send your contact details. Thanks

Default profile Ali Ghanchi - 2 months ago

Hi Zahid, I'm interested in this opportunity. Are you still taking applications? Please providesome more details on your projects.