Infectious Disease

I need collaboration to calculate exact doses for the elaboration of Mother Tinctures composed of eggplant to prevent or treat infections caused by Dengue

Skills / interests: Copy-editing and proof-reading, Risk of Bias assessment, Statistical analysis, Clinical peer review, PICO annotation, Data extraction, Guideline development, Dissemination / Knowledge Translation, Review development, Screening and selecting studies, Methodological peer review, Using GRADE, Advocacy, Writing (drafting and editing), Other, Summary of Findings tables, Searching for evidence, Prioritisation of review topics, Qualitative analysis, Project management, Training or mentoring, Consumer (public, patient, carer) input, Data analysis and organisation

Methodological skills / interests: GRADEing, Prospective meta-analysis, Prognosis reviews, Statistics, Screening and diagnostic test reviews, Qualitative evidence synthesis, Information retrieval, Economics, Comparing multiple interventions (network meta-analysis and overviews), Patient reported outcomes, Non-randomised studies of interventions, Individual participant data meta-analysis, Co-production, Rapid reviews, Priority setting, Equity

Ideal applicant

Doctors. Physicians. Graduates in Pharmacy and Biochemistry. Specialists in Physics and Chemistry. Laboratories. Doctors specialized in Biomedicine, Molecular Medicine and Biostatistics. Engineers specialized in Biomedicine. Other suitable professionals.


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Carboxyl groups, present in organic acids such as acetic acid, are weakened due to their ability to ionize, that is, release protons (H⁺) in solution. When these carboxyl groups are found in weak acids such as acetic acid, they do not completely ionize in aqueous solution, meaning that only a fraction of the acid molecules dissociate to release protons. This characteristic makes them more likely to maintain a relatively constant pH even when small amounts of acid or base are added to the solution. Therefore, patients who have contracted infections caused by Dengue should not consume vinegar, "a sour and astringent liquid, produced by the acid fermentation of wine and composed mainly of acetic acid and water, which is used especially as a condiment".

Default profile Carlos Garay (Task Poster) - 11 months ago

How to produce and synthesize natural chlorogenic substances to fight infections? Chlorogenic substances are phenolic compounds that are found naturally in a variety of plants, such as coffee, apples, pears, artichokes, among others. They have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that can help fight infections. Here are some steps to produce and synthesize natural chlorogenic substances to fight infections: Raw material selection: Identify natural sources rich in chlorogenic substances, such as green coffee beans, apple or artichoke extracts. Extraction of compounds Purification of compounds Identification and characterization Evaluation of antimicrobial activity Production Optimization Formulation Development

Default profile Carlos Garay (Task Poster) - 11 months ago

The catalyzing of chlorogenic substances for the treatment of viral infections may be beneficial in certain contexts, but it is important to understand that the effectiveness of a treatment depends on various factors, including the nature of the virus, the chemical structure of the compounds used, and the form how they interact with the affected organism. However, the catalyzing of these substances involves increasing the speed of a chemical reaction using a catalyst, which is a substance that is not consumed in the reaction but that facilitates its occurrence. The application of catalyzing can improve the effectiveness of chlorogenic compounds by increasing their reaction rate with the target virus.

Default profile Carlos Garay (Task Poster) - 11 months ago