
Lead author needed for a brief tutorial explaining sensitivity analysis

Skills / interests: Statistical analysis, Review development, Project management, Writing (drafting and editing), Data analysis and organisation

Methodological skills / interests: Statistics

We are looking for a lead author to work on an article for the Methods and Statistics Tutorials series which is published in Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods - https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/toc/10.1002/(ISSN)2832-9023.methods-and-statistics-tutorials


This tutorial series was launched in 2023 and provides easily accessible advice to the evidence synthesis community on methods and statistical issues that authors find challenging. Articles should be around 1,000 words and be accompanied by a micro-learning module which the authors develop in conjunction with Cochrane's Training team. We would like the article to cover what a sensitivity analysis is; when they should be used; what conclusions can be drawn from them, and how they are different to subgroup analyses. The article should include 'real-life' examples from existing reviews. The author will also need to help develop a micro-learning module, including practical tasks to help readers understand the content of the article. 


You will be paired with a co-author who has experience of writing these articles. You will take the lead in drafting the article and then redrafting as necessary and in working with the training team to develop the MLM. We aim to submit the article to the journal by the end of November 2024

Ideal applicant

We are looking for an experienced systematic reviewer who has knowledge about the basic statistical principles behind meta-analysis. You should have experience with sensitivity analyses and of authoring scientific papers. You will work remotely and there will be 2 to 4 online meetings with co-author(s). We particularly welcome applicants living in low and middle-income countries, as defined by the World Bank - https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519-world-bank-country-and-lending-groups

This task is no longer open for applications.