Neonatal Care

Have you or someone you know well dealt with neonatal care? Your input is needed on a protocol considering training for parental participation for people caring for neonates.

Skills / interests: Consumer (public, patient, carer) input

Would you be interested in helping us with this article focused on training for parental participation for people caring for neonates? 


I am looking for a consumer who would be willing to provide feedback for a Cochrane protocol, “Training to increase parental participation in the care of infants in neonatal units”. Cochrane considers a consumer to be a person with experience of the condition (in this case, neonatal care), either as a patient or as a carer/family member of a patient. 


A protocol is a plan for a systematic review. Consumer input at protocol stage is integral to ensure that the completed systematic review will be helpful to patients and carers with healthcare decision making. For consumer peer review, you will be asked to complete a short form with your feedback. Our aim is for this to be a manageable task, that does not overburden consumer reviewers.   


Thank you in advance for considering! 

This task is no longer open for applications.