Did you or someone you know experience tooth loss in the lower jaw? Your input is needed on a protocol considering prosthetic interventions for people with an edentulous mandible.
Skills / interests: Consumer (public, patient, carer) input
Would you be interested in helping us with this article focused on prosthetic interventions for people with an edentulous mandible?
I am looking for a consumer willing to provide feedback on a Cochrane protocol, “Interventions for replacing missing teeth: prostheses for the edentulous mandible.” Cochrane considers a consumer to be someone with experience of the condition (in this case, tooth loss in the lower jaw), either as a patient or as a carer/family member of a patient.
A protocol is a plan for a systematic review. Consumer input at the protocol stage is integral to ensuring that the completed systematic review will be helpful to patients and carers in healthcare decision-making. For consumer peer review, you will be asked to complete a short form with your feedback. Our aim is for this to be a manageable task that does not overburden consumer reviewers.
Thank you in advance for considering!