Pregnancy & Childbirth

Your input is needed on a review about diagnosing and treating excessive bleeding after childbirth

Skills / interests: Consumer (public, patient, carer) input

Would you be interested in helping us with this review which is looking at different combinations of ways to diagnose and treat excessive bleeding after childbirth (known as postpartum haemorrhage)?

I am looking for a consumer who would be willing to peer review this Cochrane systematic review “Effects of combinations of diagnostic and treatment strategies for postpartum haemorrhage”.

Cochrane considers a consumer to be a person with experience of the condition. From a consumer perspective, we are interested if the language of the review, especially the language used in the Plain Language Summary, is accessible and if it feels relevant for people such that it will be helpful to patients and carers.

While you are welcome to provide feedback on any aspect of the review, you can focus your attention on the summary sections. Our aim is for this to be a manageable task, that does not overburden consumer reviewers.


Thank you in advance for considering!

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